The Power of Massage with The Purebody Method

The power of massage and touch is quite magical. When we experience human contact it releases oxytocin from our brain which decreases feelings of anxiety, increases feelings of wellness and can reduce pain. When we touch skin we can relate this to touching our brain! Our body has so many mechanoreceptors in our fascia which are switched on when something touches our skin and translates this communication through our central nervous system to our brain.

Massage has such a unique power not only for the reasons above, but for releasing tissues which have been stuck an are holding untold amounts of emotion. You may have had surgery at some point in your life or have scar tissue from an injury. Our body will hold tension in these scars and prevent your body moving to its full range of motion.

Whatever life stage you are in, your body will have accumulated some degree of tension which has possibly been converted to reduced movement and pain.

Combining massage with the other forms of movement makes my Purebody Method even more unique. I will release areas in your body which you may not have been aware were restricting your movement and referring pain to other parts of your body.

Once a restricted and shortened muscle has been lengthened and released, we can then continue not work deeper in our movement patterns to work towards a strong, fit and supportive body for life.